
Malaysia Gets Advantage in The Development of Eco-Satellite City in Uganda

Malaysia’s construction services industry is making inroads into the fast growing construction industry of Uganda thanks to the public-private synergy between Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Malaysian Inc. The two parties have realised the first mover advantage for Malaysian companies to take part in the development of the Uganda Eco-Satellite City project.

According to the State Minister for Urban Development, Mr. Isaac Musumba, Nakigalala will be the first ultra-modern city in Uganda with three more to follow.

The Uganda Eco-Satellite City project in the capital city of Kampala is one the major new projects initiated by the Uganda Government. The project involves 1,000 acres of land which is to be a mixed development consisting of residential, commercial, government offices, schools, hospitals, malls as well as other amenities. This is a long term project which has the aim of reducing the congestion within the fast booming city of Kampala. The Eco-Satellite City Project is part of the Ugandan Vision 2040 national development initiative of the Ugandan Government and is targeted to transform the nation from an agrarian society towards a modern, progressive and industrialised nation.

Malaysian Inc was the brainchild of the National Professional Services Export Council (NAPSEC) which secretariat is MATRADE. The Consortium aims to provide a platform for MSPs to tap on projects overseas. The Malaysian Inc also operates to facilitate and promote international collaboration between MSPs and the private sector abroad.Read More

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