Ndere Centre
If you're interested in traditional dance and music, try to catch a performance of the Ndere Troupe. It's composed of members of the many ethnic groups in Uganda and has gained international acclaim on world tours. The troupe has a new base in Ntinda, the Ndere Centre,
out beyond the Blue Mango, which includes an auditorium, a restaurant-bar and even some accommodation. Performances take place every Sunday at 18:00 and are inexpensive.
It also promotes a comedy night, every Friday at 19:00. Those with a serious interest in African dance could stay here. 'You stay in this guesthouse, you are sure to become a philosopher', it promises.
Address: Plot 2872 – 9867 Butukirwa |
P. O. Box 11353, Kampala
Mobile: + 256 772 200 104